Info- ja kommunikatsioonitehnoloogia doktorikool
IKT doktorikooli väliseid kasulikke viiteid
Mobiilsustoetused, stipendiumid
Rahvusvahelised konverentsid Eestis
- Nordic Test Forum
2008, Nordic Hotel Forum, Tallinn, 25.-26.11.2008
- 20th Nordic Wksh. on
Programming Theory, NWPT 2008, Mustpeade Maja, Tallinn,
- 26th IEEE Norchip
Conf. 2008, Tallink Spa & Conference Hotel, Tallinn,
- 19th EAEEIE Annual
Conference, Tallink Spa & Conference Hotel, Tallinn,
8th International Baltic
Conference on Databases and Information Systems, Baltic
DB&IS '08, Tallinn, 2.-5.6.2008
Workshop on Effects and Type
Theory, Eesti TA, Tallinn, 13.-14.12.2007
19th IFIP Int. Conf. on
Testing Communicating Systems and 7th Int. Wksh. on Formal
Approaches to Testing of Software, TestCom-FATES '07 / 27th
IFIP Int. Conf. on Formal Methods for Networked and Distributed
Systems, FORTE '07, Mustpeade Maja, Tallinn, 26.-29.6.2007
10th Biennial Baltic
Electronics Conf., BEC '06, TTÜ, Tallinn / Laulasmaa, 2.-4.10.2006
- 7th Joint Conf. on
Knowledge-Based Software Engineering, JCKBSE '06, Uniquestay
Hotel, Tallinn, 28.-31.8.2006
- 8th Int. Conf. on
Mathematics of Program Construction, MPC '06 / 11th Int. Conf. on
Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology, AMAST '06,
Saaremaa Spa Hotell Meri, Kuressaare, 2.-8.7.2006
10th Nordic
Wksh. on Secure IT Systems, NordSec '05, TÜ, Tartu,
6th Int. Symp. on
Trends in Functional Programming, TFP 2005 / 10th ACM SIGPLAN
Int. Conf. on Functional Programming, ICFP 2005 / 4th Int. Conf. on
Generative Programming and Component Engineering, GPCE 2005,
Mustpeade Maja, Tallinn, 23.9.-1.10.2005
Kohalikumad üritused
- 2nd
Symp. on Innovative Software Technology, IST 2008, Dorpati
konverentsikeskus, Tartu, 27.-28.10.2008
- Forum on
Software Engineering Education in Estonia, Reval Hotel Olümpia,
Tallinn, 24.4.2008
- Symposium on Innovative Software
Technology, Atlantise konverentsikeskus, Tartu,
- Seminar "Arvutiteadus ja arvutusteadus", Eesti TA, Tallinn,
Kursused ja koolid
- 14th Estonian
Winter School in Computer Science, EWSCS '09, Palmse,
- 1st Training School of
COST Action IC0701, Viinistu, 25.-29.1.2009
- Jonas Bardino (University of Copenhagen) kursus "Minimum intrusion
grid", TÜ, Tartu, 11.-15.5.2008
- Charles Halli (University of Memphis) kursus "Legal pitfalls in
software development: understanding intellectual property and software
licenses", TÜ, Tartu, 31.3.-4.4.2008
- 13th Estonian
Winter School in Computer Science, EWSCS '08, Palmse,
- George Danezise (Microsoft Research, Cambridge) kursus "Identity
and anonymity in cryptographic protocols", TÜ, Tartu,
- Jan van Lenti (University of Bath) kursus "Multilevel methods for
solving high-performanca computing problems", TÜ, Tartu,
- Margus Veanesi (Microsoft Research) kursus "Model based protocol testing in
C#", TTÜ, Tallinn, 16.-20.4.2007
- 12th Estonian
Winter School in Computer Science, EWSCS '07, Palmse,
- Zenon Waszczyszyni (Cracow Univ. of Techn.) kursus "Artificial
neural networks", TÜ, 13.-15.2.2007
- 1st
BalticGrid Summer School, TÜ, Tartu, 4.-8.7.2006
- Ben Bennettsi kursus trükkplaatide testimisest, TTÜ, 5.-7.6.2006
- Yury Lifshitsi (POMI, Peterburi) kursus "Software Obfuscation",
TÜ, Tartu, 13.-17.3.2006
- 11th Estonian
Winter School in Computer Science, EWSCS '06, Palmse,
Michael Backesi (Univ. des Saarlandes) kursus "Secure Reactive
Systems", TÜ, Tartu, 27.2.-3.3.2006
- Edith Elkindi (Univ. of Warwick) kursus "Selected Topics in
Algorithmic Game Theory", TÜ, Tartu, 24.-27.10.2005
Struktuurifondid ja RAK 2004-2006
Teised RAKi meetme 1.1 doktorikoolid
- Biomeditsiini ja biotehnoloogia doktorikool (TÜ, EMÜ, TTÜ)
- Keeleteaduse ja -tehnoloogia doktorikool (TÜ, EKI, TTÜ KübI)
- Käitumis- ja terviseteaduste doktorikool (TÜ, TAI, TLÜ)
- Majandusteaduse alane doktorikool (TÜ, TTÜ)
- Materjaliteaduse ja materjalide tehnoloogia doktorikool (TÜ, TTÜ, KBFI)
- Ökoloogia ja keskkonnateaduste doktorikool (TÜ, EMÜ, TLÜ)
- Uute tootmistehnoloogiate ja -protsesside doktorikool (TTÜ, TÜ, KBFI)
- Energia- ja geotehnika doktorikool (TTÜ, EMÜ)
Viimane uuendus 5.11.2008